Tasia Ashton, Owner of Two Redheads and a Wolf
From a very young age Tasia knew she wanted to be a business owner and entreprenuer. She thought long and hard about what trade she could go into that she could open a business around. That's when she chose to attend the Aveda Institue in Minneapolis, MN to obtain her degree in Cosmtology. September 30th, 2003, Tasia became a hairstylist. Immediately after graduation, at 19 years old, without ever even being out of Wisconsin or Minnesota, she moved to Atlanta, GA to work at one of the top salons in the city and country. She was given the opportunity to learn from some of the best in the industry. That's also where her love of directing fashion shows and photo shoots began. After learning a plethora of advanced skills, she came back to Minneapolis, at the ripe age of 21, to open up her first salon and spa with two wonderful business partners. Six years of success, numerous advanced classes in business, hair and skin, 50 some team members, two locations and one boutique later, she made the decision to sell her ownership to her business partner to pursue her love of building her hair & body care brand - Two Redheads and a Wolf. It is all encompassing with her 12+ years in the beauty industry, her love of photo shoots and the occasional fashion show and her love of tinkering with cosmetic chemisty to create socially responsible products that work. Not to mention the fun, passion and adventure they build into the lifestyle of the brand - makes every day exciting!
"I can only reach so many people doing hair. Even with multiple locations and team members... But with products...I can add value to the world. That excites me."